
Stay foolish,stay hungry

Brew Install Tomcat

I recently installed Tomcat 7 and got it working with Eclipse Helios on Mac OSX Lion.

Install Homebrew:

/usr/bin/ruby -e “$(curl -fsSL https://raw.github.com/gist/323731)”

Install Tomcat:

sudo brew install tomcat

Test the Tomcat install by starting the server:

sudo catalina start

Set it so that you can start it without using sudo:

sudo chgrp -R your_user_name

sudo chmod -R g+rw /usr/local/Cellar/tomcat/

Stop the Tomcat server (if you have not already):

sudo catalina stop

Test the change to the file permissions for Tomcat by starting the server as yourself without sudo:

catalina start

Stop the Tomcat server (we want Eclipse to do the starting and stopping): catalina stop

In Eclipse, open the ‘Servers’ view and add a new Tomcat server. Key point is to make sure to change the name of the server so that it does not contain any spaces! If you don’t have a ‘Servers’ view, you need to go download ‘Eclipse IDE for Java EE Developers’.

All done! You should now be able to start and stop Tomcat from Eclipse. :)



brew search tomcat


brew install tomcat


catalina -h


catalina run

