
Stay foolish,stay hungry

NodeBB Installation by OS

img NodeBB 是 Design Create Play开发的一款使用 Node.js 构建的论坛系统,使用 redis 或 mongoDB 数据库,采用 web socket 技术实现。支持响应式布局,兼容 IE8,将论坛的体验带向一个新的高度。(国外的论坛系统都相当纯粹,并不会像 Discuz、phpwind 那样提供各种建站所需模块)

OSX Mavericks

Required Software

First, install the following programs:

Running NodeBB

Install redis with homebrew:

brew install redis

Start redis server, in your terminal enter:


Clone NodeBB repo:

git clone -b v0.7.x https://github.com/NodeBB/NodeBB.git

Enter directory:

cd NodeBB

Install dependencies:

npm install

Run interactive installation:

./nodebb setup

You may leave all of the options as default.

And you’re done! After the installation, run

./nodebb start

You can visit your forum at http://localhost:4567/