
Stay foolish,stay hungry

Heroku - Using CLI Plugins

Plugins allow developers to extend the functionality of the Heroku command interface, adding commands or features.

=== Plugins
plugins                        # list installed plugins
plugins:install package-name   # install the published plugin
plugins:uninstall name         # remove the specified plugin
plugins:update name            # update a plugin, if specified, or update all plugins

Installing plugin

To install a plugin, you need to know the package name for the plugin Use the heroku plugins:install command, and specify the git repo:

$ heroku plugins:install heroku-fork

List plugins

To see a list of currently installed plugins:

$ heroku plugins
=== Installed Plugins

Removing plugins

$ heroku plugins:uninstall heroku-accounts

Updating plugins

To update all installed plugins:

$ heroku plugins:update

To update a particular plugin:

$ heroku plugins:update heroku-accounts