
Stay foolish,stay hungry

Raneto - 开源知识库

Raneto is a Knowledgebase platform for Node.js that uses static Markdown files to power the knowledgebase.

Raneto can be called a “static site generator” of sorts as it doesn’t require a database. All of your content is stored in the content folder in Markdown (.md) files and the entire knowledgebase structure and content is generated by Raneto. This is good because it’s:

  • Simple: You can create and manage an entire knowledge base using your favorite text editor
  • Flat: Raneto is a “flat file” CMS, meaning no database woe’s, no MySQL queries, nothing
  • Fast: Raneto is seriously lightweight and doesn’t use a database, making it super fast

Raneto also features:


  1. Download the latest version of Raneto from the releases page
  2. Create a new directory where you would like to run the app, and un-zip the package to that location
  3. Fire up a Terminal, the Node Command Prompt or shell and change directory to the root of the Raneto application (where app.js and config.js are)
  4. run npm install to install the node dependencies
  5. To start Raneto, run npm start
  6. Visit http://localhost:3000 in your web browserNote: When running on a live site you’ll want to set the PORT env variable to 80 so you don’t need to add :3000 to the URL.


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